Writing Journal: Fracture and Foundation


I’ve been pretty busy lately writing new chapters for Fracture and panning out the revisions to Foundation.

Fracture has been pretty enjoyable to write since I’m just having fun crafting the story. That said, I’ve been struggling with my desire to write multilayered stories, ripe with hidden references, foreshadowing, and multileveled dialogue. I have to remind myself that I can’t go overboard with that kind of stuff in Fracture since I’m literally producing the chapters days or, sometimes, hours before they go out.

In regards to Foundation, things have been going well. I think I have identified the core points of the story and structure I want to change as well as the nature of the changes that will better highlight my goals with the story. I’ve decided that I, ultimately, will keep 80-90% of the story beats since I look forward to expanding upon them in future books in the series. On the flip side, I’ve run into issues with my B plot which plays a major role in the story’s overall arc. Part of the issue was the way I chose to contextualize it in the original manuscript; however, I find it difficult to imagine the scenarios any other way. IF I continue to have trouble I might just settle for minor changes to draw attention to elements I feel deserve the attention.

Ultimately, I’ve been writing a lot. It’s time like this that I wish I boasted the impressive typing speeds of some of my peers— one of my close friends has a typing speed of 90 WPM while mine is optimistically 40. Oh well, I suppose. There’s nothing to do but keep on clicking away at the keyboard in the hopes that I can deliver my stories to everyone in a timely manner.

Happy reading,

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